Perfect Hashing with a 2-Universal Hash Family

Previously, we discussed universal hash families. In this post, we discuss a method of using a 2-universal hash family along with a Las Vegas algorithm to allow for perfect hashing, where the time required to find an item in a hash table is constant.

A dictionary is a data structure used to maintain a set \(S\) under insertion and deletion of elements, or keys, from some universe \(U\). Dictionaries are typically implemented efficiently using hash tables.

Perfect Hashing

Perfect hashing is a method for storing a static dictionary, i.e. the items are permanently stored in the table, which only needs to support search queries. A hash function \(h: U \rightarrow V\) is called perfect for a set \(S \subset U\) if \(h\) does not cause any collisions among the keys of the set \(S\).

Let \(h\) be chosen uniformly from a 2-universal family of hash functions. Let \(V\) be the range \([0,n-1]\). Then for any set \(S \subset U\) of size \(m\), if the number of items in the universe \(n\) is at least the size of the number of bins squared, \(m^2\), the hash function is perfect with probability at least \(\frac{1}{2}\).

In practice, when \(n \geq m^2\), we can use a Las Vegas algorithm, where we randomly draw hash functions from the 2-universal family until we find one with no collisions, where on average, we only need to try two hash functions. However, this method requires on average \(m^2\) bins.

We can improve the space requirement to having the worst case be \(O(m)\) bins as follows. First, we pick a hash function \(h_1\) uniformly at random from a 2-universal family and hash items in the set using it, resulting in some collisions. We choose the first hash function with a Las Vegas algorithm, trying hash functions until we have at most \(m\) collisions. For each bin with \(k > 1\) items in it (ones with collisions), we can, as before, use \(k^2\) space to achieve no collisions with a second hash function \(h_2\) from a 2-universal family. As before, we use a Las Vegas algorithm to choose the second hash function such that there are no collisions.


Mitzenmacher and Upfal. Probability and computing: Randomized algorithms and probabilistic analysis. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Motwani and Raghavan. Randomized algorithms. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.
