Machine Learning in Julia with Flux

I decided to try out Flux, a machine learning library for Julia. Several months ago, I switched to using Python so that I could use PyTorch, and I figured it was time to give Flux a try for a new project that I’m starting. Here, I document some of the basics and how I got started with it. Helpful pointers for getting started are available in the official Flux documentation.

Installing Flux

Installing Flux is simple in Julia’s package manager – in the Julia interpreter, after typing ],

(@v1.4) pkg> add Flux

As of the current writing, it is recommended that you use Julia 1.3 or above.

Now we’ll present some simple examples that are modifications the original tutorial examples. Here we assume basic familiarity with Julia syntax. Recall that * can be used to encode matrix multiplication, and the . operator can be used for broadcasting functions to array-valued arguments.

Simple gradients and autodiff

The gradient function is part of Zygote – Flux’s autodiff system – and can be overloaded in several ways. One of the simplest uses of gradient is to pass in a function and the arguments that you want to take the derivative with respect to.

using Flux

f(x,y) = 3x^2 + 2x + y
df(x,y) = gradient(f,x,y)

Now you can evaluate the gradient at a point:

julia> df(2,2)
(14, 1)

Linear regression example

Another way to use the gradient function is to pass in parameters with the params function, which can be used to differentiate parameters that are not explicitly defined as function arguments. This is designed to help support large machine learning models with a large number of parameters.

First, let’s write a function to generate some data randomly:

function generate_data(N_samps)
    W0, b0 = rand(2, 5), rand(2)
    x = [rand(5) for _ in 1:N_samps]
    y = [W0 * x[i] + b0 + rand(2) for i in 1:N_samps]
    return x, y

In Flux, training a model typically involves encoding the model via a prediction and a loss function on a single data point.

# Model / generate prediction
predict(x) = W * x .+ b

# Loss function on an example
function loss(x, y)
  ypred = predict(x)
  sum((y .- ypred).^2)

Here the model (i.e., predict function) only comes in to the loss function and isn’t needed directly otherwise.

using Flux.Optimise: update!

# Generate some data
N_samps = 10
x, y = generate_data(N_samps)

# Initialize parameters
W, b = rand(2, 5), rand(2)

# Use gradient descent as the optimizer
optimizer = Descent(0.05)

# Store epoch loss
losses = []

# Run 1000 iterations of gradient descent
for iter in 1:1000
    for i in 1:N_samps
        # Compute gradient of loss evaluated at sample
        grads = gradient(params(W, b)) do
            return loss(x[i], y[i])

        # Update parameters via gradient descent
        for p in (W, b)
            update!(optimizer, p, grads[p])
    # Save epoch loss
    push!(losses, sum(loss.(x,y)))

Note that in the inner loop, the gradient function is being used on params(W,b), which are parameters that are not explicitly defined as arguments of the loss function. Here we’ve also used the Julia do operator, which allows you to pass a function; this can be especially useful if the function involves more complex logic. Alternatively, this example is easily expressible as

grads = gradient(() -> loss(x[i], y[i]), params(W, b))

instead of using the do operator block.

Additionally, the update! function tells us to use the optimizer (here gradient descent) to update the parameter p with the gradient. Other optimizers can be specified in a similar manner as we did above. For instance, we could have used ADAM by specifying:

optimizer = ADAM(0.05)

A note on getting loss values and gradients

In many cases, you might want to save the loss so that you can plot the progress. In the above example, we recompute the loss, but you could also get it directly when you compute the gradient. This can be done by using the pullback function.

Below is a wrapper around pullback that returns the loss and the gradient, which is based on the code of the gradient function.

function loss_gradient(f, args...)
    y, back = Flux.pullback(f, args...)
    return y, back(one(y))

Thus, in the code above, we could have instead written

ls, grads = loss_gradient(() -> loss(x[i], y[i]), params(W, b))

to get both the value of the loss and the gradient.

Flux’s train function

Another simpler way of implementing the functionality above is to use Flux’s train! function, which replaces the inner loop above. Training requires (1) an objective function, (2) the parameters, (3) a collection of data points, and (4) an optimizer.

The inner loop can be replaced as follows:

# Run 1000 iterations of gradient descent
for iter in 1:1000
    Flux.train!(loss, params(W,b), zip(x,y), optimizer)
    push!(losses, sum(loss.(x,y)))

In other words, the train! function can be viewed as taking a step of the parameters with the optimizer of your choice, evaluated with respect to a set of data points.

The train! function also accepts a callback function, that allows you to print information (e.g., the loss), which is often used with the throttle function to limit the output to, say, every 10 seconds. In the above example, we saved the training losses in an array, in order to allow for easy plotting.

Building and training models

Building more complex models is similar to the example above, but now we can compose different functions. Again, we can call train once we specify a loss (where again the model only comes into the loss function), a set of parameters, data, and the optimizer.

There are many examples of how to build up layers in the Flux basics guide and the model reference. For instance, the basics guide presents the following two examples. The first is composing two linear layers with sigmoid nonlinearities, given by the σ function:

function linear(in, out)
  W = randn(out, in)
  b = randn(out)
  x -> W * x .+ b

linear1 = linear(5, 3)
linear2 = linear(3, 2)

model(x) = linear2(σ.(linear1(x)))

Another example presented in the basics guide is using the Chain utility:

model = Chain(
  Dense(10, 5, σ),
  Dense(5, 2),

Here Dense is another utility that represents a dense layer. Other types of layers are detailed in the model reference, including convolution, pooling, and recurrent layers.

After building models, we can then again use the train! function as before.

Specific working models can be found in the Flux model zoo, which includes examples such as simple multi-layer perceptrons, convolutional neural nets, auto-encoders, and variational-autoencoders.

Overall impressions

Overall, I found Flux easy to use, especially if you’ve used something like PyTorch before. I liked how it felt very well-integrated with the Julia language – it really felt like just coding in Julia, rather than having to learn a whole new framework. One thing I think could be better supported is the documentation – I found that it was good enough to get started and learn the functionality of Flux, but for instance, some basic docstrings for important functions were missing.

But as they state on their home page, “you could have written flux” – i.e., the source code is all straightforward Julia code. Thus, you can easily read the source to get a better idea of the functionality. For instance, the loss_gradient wrapper above was super simple to add after reading the source code for the gradient function. I think this leads to exciting opportunities to contribute and join the Flux community.
